One of the words listed for Foresight was anticipation. Anticipation is to anticipate, guess or be aware of (what will happen) and to take action in order to be prepared. It’s to look forward to something, to have hope, to intercept and stop the plans of the enemy, and it’s to prophesy or make a declaration inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Our words are powerful, Christ within us is powerful, and our prayers our powerful! What we speak will come to pass! As the people of God, we should be looking forward to the glory of the Father being revealed in us. We are to continue to have hope in His promises, to have a warring spirit and remember we are in a spiritual battle. We are to always be ready to intercept when the enemy is on the attack, and to prophesy the word of God over ourselves and others.
Today I prophecy a word from Joshua chapter 3 over each one of you. In this chapter the Israelites were preparing to cross over the Jordon. The first thing Joshua instructed them to do after they lodge for 3 days was to consecrate themselves. To consecrate yourself, is to separate yourself as set apart for God. To dedicate yourself to God and be prepare for Him to use you at any time. Fasting and praying is great start, but this must be a daily decision.
Why did Joshua tell them to do this? Joshua told the Israelites to do this because God was going to do WONDERS (pala’) within them. This meant He was going to do something beyond their power, He was going to do something unusual and difficult to understand, and it was going to be extraordinary to show Himself wonderful.
I declare in the name of Jesus that God is doing something beyond your power inside of you. He is doing something unusual inside of you that will be hard to understand and it’s going to be extraordinary. His glory will be revealed mightily in everything attached to you in Jesus’ name.
Secondly Joshua told them they were stepping into a new territory they never been before.
I declare that you are stepping into new territories you never been before in Jesus’ name.
Next God told Joshua that he was making him a leader, and that he was exalting him. Meaning he was promoting him, making him great, making him powerful, raising him up, and bring him into full maturity.
I declare that God is promoting you in the name of Jesus. He is making you great, He is making you powerful! I declare He is raising you up and bringing you into full maturity. I speak that God is giving you foresight in this season making you a leader in your field of expertise and every ideal He placed in you.
The bank of Jordan was a threshold between the place of wandering and the promises of God and they lodged there for 3 days. The term used for lodge was (Luwn) in the Hebrew and it means to rest, pass the night, to dwell, and to grumble, murmur, and complain.
I speak over you right now that God is leading you out of wandering, wandering in your purpose, wandering in your wilderness, and leading you into His promise in Jesus’ name. Everywhere there was death He is bringing life, everywhere there was lack, He is bringing plenty, and anything that has been buried out of His will, that He is bringing resurrection power to it in the name of Jesus. God is silencing your murmurs and complaints, and you shall rejoice in victory!
Lastly, the 1st miracle God preform to prove to Joshua and the people around Him that He was with Joshua just like He was with Moses was split the Jordon just like He split the water for Moses for them to pass on dried land. Joshua told the priest to carry the ark of God ahead of the people and that when their feet were planted in the Jordon God was going to move.
I declare that God is walking with you just like He walked with Moses, and mighty displays of power shall testify and be a witness to God’s glory in your life. I declare that the glory of the Lord is ahead of you, and that every attack and distraction of the enemy trying to slow you down and destroy you will fail in Jesus’ name. I declare that God is making ways out of no ways, and you shall see the glory of the Lord! He is separating the lies of enemy to keep you in bondage from the truth of God that pushes you into the promises of God.
Those delays and times that seemed like things weren’t progressing and were just going around in circles, and times you even experience mass death surrounding you it was God. He was killing off everything that wasn’t meant for you and everything that was going keep you from entering His promises. Your Father was cutting off people who just wanted to compete, challenge, and get in the way of your leadership. He was cutting off the people who were full of jealousy, those who were just complaining and had no faith in what God put in you, and He was destroying your relationship with people who were pretending to be for you, but they had bad attitudes and they were going to misrepresent Him in your life. He did this because you were entering into a new territory and not everyone was allowed to go. But you were faithful, you were steadfast, you believed in the goodness of God, and while all things were happening, He was preparing you. Now you can possess the promises, now you have access, because He can trust you to walk in power and integrity and you will see Him do unusual things, in and through your life amen!