Since COVID – 19, social distancing has become our norm. Quite frankly, with all the technology and Social Media websites, I at first didn’t see it much as a problem. I mean, we were all technically socializing from a distance anyway. Which for me, a proud introvert, couldn’t be more okay with. I feel like I have trained for this my whole life. But, a month into this quarantine I find myself actually longing for actual physical human connection. A smile, a hug, just sensing someone else’s aura. In that instance, against all my introvert instinct, I actually had to admit there were some actually cons to this social distancing.
Before we go into the bad stuff, let’s first talk about some of the good, like more free time. If you were a wise introvert like me, you definitely used all your free time to your advantage. Such as, starting or finishing that book you put up on the shelf, writing that script you just didn’t get around to writing, or investing time in planning your business. For all you hard workers, this may have been a good time for you to take a much needed vacation, you caught up on all your favorite shows, spent more time in prayer, parents even got to spend more time with their kids, minus having to help them with 8th grade math. That probably really sucked.
Besides keeping good hygiene, social distancing has been good. It has challenge businesses to be creative, strategic even on how to continue to serve their clients and keep their business running. With that being said there have been greater cons. I mean you can only binge watch so much. And for you parents, kudos for having the strength to stay trapped at home with mini evil versions of you running around ruining your tranquility, while you’re seconds away from ripping your own hair out. Some of the major cons have been lost of jobs, the closing of small businesses, and people going into debt due to financial strain. Quarantine has been a nightmare for many. We even had to cancel our Mystical Greece networking event, which super sucked.
In the end the quarantine has been challenging. Though there were set backs, disappointments, and frustration. There has been opportunity to grow, change, adapt, and become a greater, stronger, more passionate business professional. I have definitely learned the value of human connection and have taking a turn for the better when it comes to social relationships. Praying that the quarantine hasn’t been too hard on you guys and any of your businesses, glad that it is starting to lift. Stay encouraged!
We want to know how your quarantine experience has been. Leave a comment below, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe.