Teachings by Pastor Vlad Savchuk and additional studies by Ni'Asia Reeves"
3 Habits That Helps Us Defeat Our Three Biggest Temptations (Greed, Lust, And Pride).
Three Christian disciplines Jesus taught in Matthew 6, that Christian must do to combat these 3 temptations, give, pray, and fast. Giving destroys greed by practicing love and compassion for others holding them as more valuable than yourself, praying helps you to realize you need God keeping you humble, and fasting is denying yourself of your desires, pursuits, and craving and making God your pursuit instead.
Fasting trains your flesh and being to know it gets what it needs not always what it wants. Fasting doesn’t deliver you from demons but closes the access points in which demonic activity has in your life. Demons need to be cast out and the flesh needs to be crucified.
Fasting promotes self-denial in a culture obsessed with self-discovery, its contrary to our culture. Everyone is trying to become God and be their own God, deciding for themselves who they are. It’s a self-centeredness, self-conscience, and self-seeking. If “I” is at the center of your life, instead of Christ, you will be in s”i”n and Pr”I”de, like luc”I”fer.
What’s The Opposite Of Carnality? A Crucified Life!
When you first come to Lord, he doesn’t invite us to die on the cross, he invites us to the cross. But when you come into the Lord, he wants you grow, and that’s what is called discipleship. Discipleship is feeding on God’s word fellowshipping with fellow believers, forsaking the sinful things, fishing for souls, making more disciples, and discipline.
Fasting is embracing self-denial (a disciplined life); we fast to follow the example of Jesus. We don’t need to deny ourselves to believe, we need to deny ourselves to follow Jesus. A lot of Christians get comfortable at just believing in Christ but walk after Him at a safe distance. Believers who do not embrace the cross (dying to self) follow Jesus at a safe distance. As a believer you begin by coming to the cross and experience salvation. As a disciple the Lord leads you to pick up your cross and die to flesh on your cross so that you can experience victory, new level, maturity, growth, new life, and spiritual resurrection.